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Financial Knowledge
Very LowVery LowLimitedModerateModerate to highHighVery high
Interest in Financial Issues Very LimitedVery LimitedLimitedSome attentionUsually yesAlways keenVery keen
Investment Experience Unlikely to have LimitedSomeSomeFairly experiencedExperiencedHighly experienced
Financial Approach Passive Relatively PassiveModerately passiveRelatively activeRelatively activeActiveVery active
Willingness to take risks Unlikely Limited willingnessUncomfortable, but to a limited extentLikely to takeWilling to takeWilling to takeUsually willing
Time to decide on financial matters Take long timeRelatively longRelatively longRelatively quicklyQuite quicklyQuicklyVery quickly
Able to accept poor performance Severely RegretBadly RegretRegretSome feeling of regretOccasionally acceptOccasionally acceptNot much regret
OVERALL RISK SCORE 0-2526-3536-4243-5657-6768-7879-100
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