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Compare Invoice Financing Options in Sri Lanka

This is how you can compare Invoice financing options and asset based lending, which usually works alongside invoice discounting facility.

They offer similar benefits giving you straightforward and almost instant access to the funds your business requires. Invoice discounting and factoring use your debtors as a security whilst asset based lending uses your inventory or other assets. The amounts the financiers can offer are typically much larger than most businesses can secure on overdrafts.

WHO IS IT FORFACTORING (Business looking to outsource all invoicing)INVOICE DISCOUNTING (Larger businesses with sound administration)ASSET BASED LENDING (Businesses with cash tied up in physical assets)
Immediate cash injection of upto 90% of the value of your unpaid invoices
Unlock the cash value of inventory, capital equipments and other assets
Your clients/customers don’t need to know you are using the service
Your financier collets payments for you. The full sales ledger service
Funding grows with your business
Funding exports
Bad debts protection

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