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Compare Car Leasing Deals in Sri Lanka ( All Cars )

Use our car leasing comparison table and find a great deal to help finance your new car. We've teamed up with some of the Sri Lanka's leading leasing companies so you can benefit from fantastic offers on car leasing deals.
If you are looking for a cheap car leasing agreement at an affordable rate, simply select a car from the list below to get started. Once selected, it will assist you in finding the leasing solutions provided by various leasing companies.

Compare the best car leasing deals in Sri Lanka
Car TypeLease Contract DetailsFinancing ValueFinancing DetailsCompare Providers
Payable TermProcess TimeInitial DepositInterest RateAmount LeasedMonthly PaymentTotal Interest

Hyundai HatchbackHyundai Hatchback
48 Months2 Weeks2 Monthly Payments15%Average90%of the asset2.0Mn55,661671,751
This lease calculation is based on the car value of 2.2Mn and the lease finance is 2.0Mn, which is 90% of 2.2Mn. The interest rate may vary depending on the lease provider
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Peugeot 207 Peugeot 207
48 Months2 Weeks2 Monthly Payments18%Average100%of the asset2.5Mn73,4371,024,999
This lease calculation is based on the car value of 2.5Mn and the lease finance is 2.5Mn, which is 100% of 2.5Mn. The interest rate may vary depending on the lease providerNeed RentingCompare
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Suzuki AltoSuzuki Alto
48 Months2 Weeks2 Monthly Payments18%Average90%of the asset1.35Mn39,656553,499
This lease calculation is based on the car value of 1.5Mn and the lease finance is 1.35Mn, which is 90% of 1.5Mn. The interest rate may vary depending on the lease providerNeed RentingCompare
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48 Months2 Weeks2 Monthly Payments20%Average90%of the asset1.35Mn41,080621,887
This lease calculation is based on the car value of 1.5Mn and the lease finance is 1.35Mn, which is 90% of 1.5Mn. The interest rate may vary depending on the lease providerNeed RentingCompare
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Nissan MicraNissan Micra
48 Months2 Weeks2 Monthly Payments17%Average100%of the asset1.5Mn43,282577,563
This lease calculation is based on the car value of 1.5Mn and the lease finance is 1.5Mn, which is 100% of 1.5Mn. The interest rate may vary depending on the lease providerNeed RentingCompare
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Kia Kia
48 Months3 Weeks2 Monthly Payments15%Average100%of the asset1.0Mn27,830335,875
This lease calculation is based on the car value of 1.0Mn and the lease finance is 1.0Mn, which is 100% of 1.0Mn. The interest rate may vary depending on the lease providerNeed RentingCompare
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